
The Smart Repair Centre is a family run business located in the Colchester area of Essex. We started out over 20 years ago providing a paintless dent removal service to the local car dealerships covering Essex, Suffolk and London.
Today we have a team of trained specialists who are willing and excited to help you with any issue. They know their way around all types of vehicles and will make sure you and your car are taken care of. Come down and say hi and experience some of the best customer services on the market.

George Taylor
Paint Technician Manager

Nathan Dufosee
Paint Technician

Nicola Loveland
Accounts Manager

Leo Taylor
Wheel Technician

Ashley Martin
Mechanical Technician

Jamie Brown
Mechanical Technician

Alex Weedon
Mobile Wheel Technician

Ashley Betts
Mobile Wheel Technician

Emma Matthews

Rob Morton
Mobile Smart Repair Technician

Daryl Mead
Mobile Smart Repair Technician

Mark Harvey